29 Aug 2011

என்னுடன் நான் மட்டும் ...

பிடித்து இழுக்கும் ஆக்சிஜனோ ... அடுக்கி வைத்த சுவாசப் பையில்
அனுமதியின்றி அலைந்து விட்டு ... சலவையாகி வெளியே வரக்
கவலையோடு காத்திருக்கும் உறுப்புகள் ஒவ்வொன்றின்
உளறல் சத்தமும் ... உள்ளிருந்து தெளிவாய்க் கேட்க ...
இதயம் எழுப்பும் ... இசை ஒலிகள் எல்லாம்
மூளைத் தட்டின் ... முக்கியப் பகுதியில்
தாள வடிவில் ... தான் ஒலிப் பதிவாகி
மீளக் கிடைக்கின்றன ... செவிப்பறையின் பக்கத்தில்
இதழ் நீட்டும் புன்னகையும் ... கண் சுருக்கும் கண்ணீரும்
தொண்டைக் குழிச் சுவரெல்லாம் ... தொட்டு விட்ட வார்த்தைகளும்
எவ்விதத் தடையுமின்றி ... எப்போதும் சுதந்திரமாய்
எழுத எண்ணிய எழுத்துக்களும் ... எழுதி முடித்த வாக்கியமும்
நினைத்த இடத்தில் நிறைவடைய ... நிறுத்தி வைத்தப் புள்ளிகளும்
இன்னமும் இயல்பாக்க இட்டு வைத்த எதுகையும் மோனையும்
அனைத்துமே என் படைப்பாய் ... அதற்கெல்லாம் பதிப்புரிமை எனக்கே எனக்காய்
என்னுடைய ஆளுகையில் ... எதுவும் நானாகி
எங்கேயும் இருக்கும் ரேகையும் கால் தடமும் எனதேயாகி
கனவுகளும் கற்பனையும் கைக்குலுக்கிக் கண்முன்னே
நனவாக நடை பயில ... ஓட்டப் பந்தயத்தில் ஓடுகின்ற எண்ணங்களும் 
எப்போதும் சாத்தியம் ... என்னுடன் நான் மட்டும் இருக்கையிலே ...

18 Aug 2011

4 Top Tips to Whiten Teeth

1. Moderate coffee and tea drinking
What and how often you drink coffee and tea will without doubt led to staining of your teeth. The best and most effective solution would be to stop drinking coffee and tea. For many of us this is simply not an option as we enjoy our daily beverage, even forming a much loved part of certain cultures! So whats the answer? You can look to reduce your coffee and tea intake if you find that you are drinking these to excess. Alternatively brushing your teeth immediately after may offer some resistance to the staining effects of drinking coffee and tea.
2. Acidic foods and drinks
Food and drinks that have a high acidic level can affect your tooth enamel, such that it can make them age them and help them stain easier. So many fruits and especially fruit drinks are dangerous culprits here in that they contain lots of sugar. Obviously avoiding eating them goes against most of the health advice out there. What you can do though is to avoid eating them at certain times that can increase their acidic affects. So avoid eating or drinking acidic food and drinks just before you go to bed as they can cause acid reflux and heartburn.
3. Rinsing your teeth
Regularly rinsing your teeth can do wonders for keeping them clean and healthy. Food is always getting stuck between teeth and left there can cause bacteria to occur, which is not good for the gums or teeth and can lead to staining and teeth issues! You can use mouthwashes but be sure to use one that does not get rid of all the good bacteria in your mouth. So use one that is healthy for your mouth.
4. Home teeth whitening kits
Following the above tips will certainly reduce teeth staining but what if you want to whiten your teeth? Home teeth whitening kits have now become much more affordable and safer and a great option if your not keen on spending lots to visit your local cosmetic dentist. Using a teeth whitening kit is the most effective way to whiten your teeth and can be used when you want to reduce teeth staining or for more cosmetic needs.
With the best teeth whitening kits you can expect to achieve up to 11 shades whiter teeth in the comfort of your own home.

2 Aug 2011

விடைகள் தேடுகிறேன் ...

அப்போது அடைந்த துன்பம் ...இப்போது இல்லை ...
இப்போதைய இன்பமும் ... நிரந்தரமில்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
வாழ்க்கை என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

உண்மையென நினைப்பது ... உண்மையிலேயே இல்லை ...
பொய்யெனப் புரியும் போது பொறுப்பதும் இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
வாழ்க்கை என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

அடைய நினைப்பதை ... அடைந்தது இல்லை ...
அடைந்த ஒன்றை ... நினைப்பது இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
வாழ்க்கை என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

அதிலும் இல்லை ... இதிலும் இல்லை ...
அங்கும் இங்கும் ... எதிலும் இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
மனம்  என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

புரியாதது என்னவென்று ... புரியவில்லை ...
புரிந்திருப்பதால் மட்டும் ... பயன் ஒன்றும் இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
மனம்  என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

யாரோ சொல்லக் கேட்கவும் இல்லை ...
தான் சொல்வதை எல்லாம் செய்வதும் இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
மனம்  என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

வேண்டாம் என்றால் ... விடுவதில்லை ...
வேண்டியது என்னவெனத் ... தெரியவும் இல்லை ...
விடையைத் தேடுகிறேன் ... கேள்வி இதுதான் ...
மனம்  என்பது இதுதான் இல்லையா ...?

தேடித் தேடித் ... தெரிந்தும் விட்டது ...
தேடல்கள் மட்டும் ... என்றுமே முடிவது இல்லை என்று...!

26 Jul 2011

All About Union Public Service Commission Examinations



(A) Tentative Schedule:

(i) Notification of Examination : November/December of previous year
(ii) Conduct of Examination : May

(B) Age - limits:

  • 21-30 years as on 1st August of the year of Examination.
  • Certain categories of persons as specified in the Commission's Notice as published in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar are eligible for age relaxation.

(C) Educational Qualification:

  • Degree of a Recognized University or equivalent.
  • Candidates appearing in the requisite Degree qualification are also eligible for appearing in the examination, however, they are supposed to submit proof of passing the requisite qualification along with with Detailed Application Form for Civil Services (Main) Examination.



Tentative Date of Examination :  October  - November

Scheme - CS (Main)

Paper-I One of the Indian Languages to be selected by the candidate from the 18 languages included in the VIIIth Schedule to the Constitution (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks
Paper-II English (Qualifying Paper) 300 Marks
Paper-III Essay 200 Marks
Papers IV & V General Studies (300 Marks for each paper) 600 Marks
Papers VI, VII, VIII & IX Any two subjects (each having 2 papers) to be selected from the prescribed optional subjects (300 marks for each paper) 1200 Marks
Total Marks for Written Examination 2000 Marks
Interview Test 300 Marks
Grand Total 2300 Marks

List of Optional Subjects - CS (Main) - (Total 25)

See Note below List of Optional Subjects (Literature)

Agriculture Management
Animal Husbandry & Vetinary Science Mathematics
Anthropology Mechanical Engineering
Botany Medical Science
Chemistry Philosophy
Civil Engineering Physics
Commerce & Accountancy Political Science & International Relations
Economics Psychology
Electrical Engineering Public Administration
Geography Sociology
Geology Statistics
Indian History Zoology

List of Optional Subjects (Literature) - CS (Main) - (Total 26)

Arabic Gujarati Manipuri Sanskrit
Assamese Hindi Nepali Sindhi
Bengali Kannada Oriya Tamil
Chinese Kashmiri Pali Telugu
English Konkani Persian Urdu
French Marathi Punjabi
German Malayalam Russian

Note : Total Optional Subjects : 51

Note (i) :  Candidates have the option to answer all the question papers, except the language papers, viz, Paper-I and Paper-II, in any one of the languages included in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution or in English.

Note (ii) : Candidates who have opted for an Indian Language as language medium for the Main Examination have an option of being interviewed either in English or in the same language which they have opted for the Main Examination.

Statistical Data - CS (Main)

Year Of Exam Vacancies Candidates Recommended
1995 98 49 165 333 645 101 49 192 303 645
1996 125 57 174 383 739 138 59 212 330 739
1997 89 43 166 323 621 94 46 215 266 621
1998 53 28 114 275 470 60 30 142 238 470
1999 53 27 97 234 411 63 30 127 191 411
2000 54 29 100 244 427 58 34 128 207 427
2001 47 39 97 234 417 52 42 131 192 417
2002 38 22 88 162 310 38 22 88 138 286

Engineering Services Examination


(A) Tentative Schedule:

(i) Notification of Examination : January/February
(ii) Conduct of Examination : June/July

(B) Categories of which recruitment is made through the Examination
i. Civil Engineering

ii. Mechanical Engineering
iii. Electrical Engineering
iv. Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering

(C) Age-limits: 21-30 years on 1st August of the year of Examination.
Certain categories of persons including departmental candidates as specified in the Commission's Notice as published in the Employment News/Rozgar Samachar are elgible for age relaxation.

(D) Educational Qualifications:

  • A degree in Engineering from a recognised university or equivalent. M.Sc degree or its equivalent with Wireless Communications, Electronics, Radio Physics or Radio Engineering as special subjects also acceptable for certain Services/posts only.
  • Candidates appearing at their engineering degree or equivalent examination are also eligible to compete. Candidates qualifying on the result of the written part of the Examination will be required to submit the proof of passing the requisite examination along with their detailed application form to be filled up at that stage.

(E) Scheme of Examination

Written Examination
Paper I (Objective type) General Ability Test
(Part A: General English)
(Part B: General Studies)
200 Marks
Papers II & III (Objective type) Civil Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Electronics & Tele-Communication Engineering 200 Marks for each paper
Papers IV & V(Conventional Type) Civil Engineering/Mechanical Engineering/Electrical Engineering/Electronics & Tele-communication Engineering 200 Marks for each paper
Total marks for written Examination 1000 Marks
Personality Test 200 Marks

NOTE: For further details, please refer to the Commission’s Notice for the Examination when it is published in the Employment News and some of the daily newspapers.

Combined Defence Services Examination


A) Tentative Schedule: (Examination held twice a year)

(i) Notification of Examination : August and March
(ii) Conduct of Examination : February and August

(B) Age-limits:

  • 19-24 Years : Indian Military Academy
  • 19-22 Years : Naval Academy
  • 19-23 Years : Air Force Academy
  • 19-25 Years : Officers’ Training Academy

(C) Educational Qualifications:

  • IMA & OTA : Degree of a recognized University or equivalent
  • Naval Academy : B.Sc. with Physics & Mathematics or Bachelor of Engg
  • Air Force Academy : B.Sc. with Physics and/or Mathematics or Bachelor of Engg

Candidates appearing at the degree or equivalent examination also eligible to compete. Such candidates will be required to submit the proof of passing the requisite qualifying examination by a date to be specified in the Commission’s Notice for the Examination.

Written Examination
(a) For Indian Military Academy
Naval Academy and
Air Force Academy
1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge
(Objective type)
100 Marks
3. Elementary Mathematics (Objective type) 100 Marks
Total 300 Marks
(b) For Officers’ Training Academy 1. English (Objective type) 100 Marks
2. General Knowledge (Objective type) 100 Marks
Total 200 Marks
Marks for SSB Interviews
IMA, NA and AFA 300 marks
OTA 200 Marks

NOTE: For further details, please refer to the Commission’s Notice for the Examination when it is published in the Employment News and some of the daily newspapers.

CDSE Entry, West Block III, R K Puram, New Delhi-110066 in case of IMA/SSC first choice candidates and Naval HQ “DMPR” (I.O & R Section), Room No. 204, ‘C’ Wing, Sena Bhawan, New Delhi-110011 in case of Navy first choice candidates and PO3(A)/Air Headquarters, ‘J’ Block, Room No. 17, Opp. Vayu Bhawan, Motilal Nehru Marg, New Delhi-110011 in case of Air Force first choice candidates by the following dates failing which their candidature will stand cancelled :

(i) For admission to IMA, Naval and Air Force Academy on or before 13th November, 2010.

(ii) For admission to Officer’s Training Academy, Chennai on or before 1st February, 2011.

Candidates possessing professional and technical qualifications which are recognised by government as equivalent to professional and technical degrees would also be eligible for admission to the examination.

In exceptional cases the Commission may treat a candidate, who does not possess any of the qualifications prescribed in this rule as educationally qualified provided that he possesses qualifications, the standard of which in the opinion of the Commission, justifies his admission to the examination.

Note I: Candidates, who have yet to pass their degree examination will be eligible only if they are studying in the final year of degree examination.

Those candidates who have yet to qualify in the final year Degree Examination and are allowed to appear in the UPSC Examination should note that this is only a special concession given to them. They are required to submit proof of passing the Degree examination by the prescribed date and no request for extending this date will be entertained on the grounds of late conduct of basic qualifying University Examination, delay in declaration of results or any other ground whatsoever.

Note II: Candidates who are debarred by the Ministry of Defence from holding any type of commission in the Defence Services shall not be eligible for admision to the examination and if admitted, their candidature will be cancelled.

Note III: In the event of Air Force candidates being suspended from Flying Training for failure to learn flying, they would be absorbed in the Navigation/Administration/Logistic Branch of the IAF. This will be subject to availability of vacancies and fulfilling the laid down qualitative requirements (including 60% in graduation).

National Defence Academy & Naval Academy Examination



(A) Tentative Schedule (Examination held twice a year)

  • Notification of Examination October - Novermber & April - May
  • Conduct of Examination April - May & Sept. - Oct

Eligibility Criteria

  • XII Class / Equivalent passed certificate conducted by State Board / Universities. Candidate appearing for above examination can also apply.
  • Unmarried male candidates only
  • Age between 16 1/2 to 19 years
  • Nationality - A candidate must be either:
    • A citizen of India, or
    • A subject of Bhutan, or 
    • A subject of Nepal, or
    • A Tibetan refugee who came over to India before 1st January, 1962, with the intention of permanently settling in India, or
    • A person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, the East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania (formerly Tanganyika and Zambia, Malawi, Zaire and Ethiopia and Vietnam, with the intention of permanently setting in India)
Provided that a candidate belonging to categories (ii), (iii), (iv) and (v) above shall be a person in whose favour a certificate of eligibility has been issued by the Government of India. Certificate of eligibility will not, however, be necessary in the case of candidates who are Gorkha subjects of Nepal.

Admission Form:

About a year before the commencement of a Course, a brief notice appears in the leading daily newspapers and a detailed notification in the Government of India Gazette, offering about the entrance examination to be held by the UPSC six months later at Agartala, Ahmedabad, Aizwal, Allahabad, Bangalore, Bareilly, Bhopal, Mumbai, Calcutta, Chandigarh, Cochin, Cuttack, Delhi, Dharwar, Dispur (Guwahati), Gangtok, Hyderabad, Imphal, Itanagar, Jaipur, Jammu, Jorhat, Kavaratti (Lakshadweep), Kohima, Lucknow, Madras, Madurai, Nagpur, Panji (Goa), Patna, Port Blair, Raipur, Sambalpur, Shillong, Shimla, Srinagar, Tirupati, Trivandrum, Udaipur and Vishakhapatnam.

How to Apply:

A candidate seeking admission to the examination must apply to the Secretary, Union Public Service Commission, Dholpur, House, New Delhi-110011, on the application form published in newspapers. The candidates may utilise the original form published in newspapers or in "Employment News" and fill up the columns in their own handwriting with ball-point pen. They may also use the application form and the Attendance Sheet neatly typewritten on white paper (foolscap size) in double space typed on only one side of th,e paper. There is no objection to candidates using printed/Application Form and Attendance Sheet, if available, from private agencies as long as the format is exactly the same as published in the advertisement. Candidates who have appeared for the previous examinations will not be considered. The envelope containing the application should be superscribed in bold letters as "APPLICATION FOR NATIONAL ACADEMY EXAMINATION" .

Selection Procedure:

The process of selecting cadets for the National Defence Academy is split into three phases :
  • A written examination held by the Union Public Service Commission.
  • An interview by the Service Selection Board to assess a candidate's officer potentialities ( Intelligence and personality test ).
  • A medical examination by a Service Medical Board.

Scheme of the Examination:

The subjects of the written examination, the time allowed and the maximum marks allotted to each subject are as follows :

Subject Code Duration Max Marks
2 1/2 hours
General Ability
2 1/2 hours

The papers in all the subjects will consist of objective type questions only. the question papers (Test Booklets) will be set in English only. 

Indian Forest Service Examination

(A) Tentative Schedule

  • (i) Notification of Examination : February/March
  • (ii) Conduct of Examination : July

(B) Age-limits

  • 21-30 Years on 1st July of the year of examination
  • Certain categories of persons as specified in the Notice are eligible for age relaxation.

(C) Educational Qualification:

A Bachelor’s degree with at least one of the subjects namely, Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science, Botany, Chemistry, Geology, Mathematics, Physics, Statistics and Zoology or a Bachelor’s degree in Agriculture or Forestry or Engineering of a recognised university or equivalent.

Candidates appearing at their degree examination (with prescribed subjects) are also eligible to compete. Candidates qualifying on the result of the written part of the examination will be required to submit the proof of passing the requisite examination alongwith their detailed application form to be filled up at that stage.

(D) Scheme of Examination:

  • I. Written Examination - Conventional (essay) type

Paper I - General English 300 Marks
Paper II - General Knowledge 300 Marks
Paper III, IV, V & VI - Any two subjects to be selected from the list of optional subjects set out below. Each subject will have two papers. 200 Marks for each paper
Total marks for written examination 1400 Marks

List of optional subjects:

  • Agriculture
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Animal Husbandary & Veterinary Science
  • Botany
  • Chemistry
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Forestry
  • Geology
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Physics
  • Statistics
  • Zoology

Provided that the candidates will not be allowed to offer the following combination of subjects :

(a) Agriculture and Agricultural Engineering
(b) Agriculture and Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science
(c) Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
(d) Mathematics and Statistics
(e) Of the Engineering subjects viz. Agricultural Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering - not more than one subject

II. Interview for Personality Test : 300 Marks

NOTE : For further details, please refer to the Commission’s Notice for the Examination when it is published in the Employment News and some of the daily newspapers.

Important Links:

Contact Address:

Shri Vivek Saxena, IFS
Director (IFS)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Room No. 431, Paryavaran Bhawan
C.G.O Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi - 110003

Phone # +91-11-24362065 (O)
E-Mail: hr062[at]ifs.nic.in , dirifs[at]ifs.nic.in

Shri Hem Pande
Joint Secretary (IFS)
Ministry of Environment & Forests
Paryavaran Bhawan
C.G.O Complex, Lodi Road
New Delhi - 110003

Phone # +91-11-24362551 (O)
E-Mail: hempande[at]nic.in


Geologists' Examination


(A) Tentative Schedule:

  • (i) Notification of Examination : June
  • (ii) Conduct of Examination : November

(The examination is held for two categories viz. Category I (Posts in Geological Survery of India) and Category II (Posts in Central Ground Water Board)

(B) Age - limits: 21-32 years on 1st January of the year of examination.

(Certain categories of persons including departmental candidates are eligible for age relaxation)

(C) Educational Qualification

(i)  Master's degree in Geology/Applied Geology or Marine Geology from a recognized university; or
(ii) Diploma of Associateship in Applied Geology of Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad; or
(iii) Master's degree in Mineral exploration from a recognized university (for posts in GSI); or
(iv) Master's degree in Hydrogeology from a recgonized university (for posts in CGWB)

Candidates appearing in the requisite qualification can also apply for the examination but are required to submit proof of passing along with detailed application form.

(D) Scheme of Examination:


Part I
Written Examination
Candidates competing for both categories have to appear in the following papers
(i) General English
100 Marks
(ii) Geology Paper-I
200 Marks
(iii) Geology Paper-II 200 Marks
(iv) Geology Paper-III 200 Marks
(v) Hydrogeology 200 Marks
For Category I candidates have to appear in Papers (i) to (iv) above only and for Category II in Papers (i) to (iii) and (v) above only.
Part II : Interview for Personality Test 200 Marks


Important Links:


Indian Economic Service / Indian Statistical Service


The Indian Economic Service (IES) was constituted in 1961 with the objective of having an organized Group ‘A’ Service consisting of a specialized cadre of officers, trained in economic analysis, policy formulation and its implementation. The role of the IES can be broadly categorized in terms economic advice, economic administration, implementation of development programmes, besides dealing with other areas such as economic reforms, regulation, price fixation, and monitoring and evaluation. Constitution of the service was essentially to build capacity within the Government for rendering economic advice on issues of development policy and for playing an active role in economic administration. The launching of economic reforms in 1991 and the proliferation of the regulatory role of the government has led to increase in the need for such advice. The IES officers provide requisite inputs in all sectors of economic activity. 

(A) Tentative Schedule:

  • (i) Notification of Examination : June
  • (ii) Conduct of Examination : November

(C) Age - limits:

  • 21-30 years on 1st January of the year of Examination
  • Certain categories of persons as specified in the notice are eligible for age relaxation.

(D) Educational Qualification

For Indian Economic Service : Post Graduate Degree from a recognised university in Economics/Applied Economics/Business Economics/Econometrics.

For Indian Statistical Service : Post Grade Degree from an Indian university in Statistics/Applied Statistics/Mathematical Statistics.

  • Candidates appearing in qualifying degree exams are also eligible provisionally subject to producing proof of passing along with Detailed Application Form.

(E) Scheme of Examination

Part-I : Candidates are required to appear in the following papers of conventional type papers.

(i) For Indian Economic Service
(a) General English 100 Marks
(b) General Studies 100 Marks
(c) General Economics-I 200 Marks
(d) General Economics-II 200 Marks
(e) General Economics-III 200 Marks
(f) General Economics 200 Marks
(ii) For Indian Statistical Service
(a) General English 100 Marks
(b) General Studies 100 Marks
(c) Statistics-I 200 Marks
(d) Statistics-II 200 Marks
(e) Statistics-III 200 Marks
(f) Statistics-IV 200 Marks

Part II : Interview for Personality Test 200 Marks


Important Links:



என்னைத் தொடக்கியவருக்கு ...

நா இது என்னோட அப்பாவ நெனச்சு எழுதுன கவித...எல்லாருக்குமே அப்பா ரொம்ப பெரிய விஷயம்... முன் மாதிரி ....எனக்கும் எங்க அப்பாஅப்டிதான்...இன்னிக்கு வரைக்கும் எந்த வித சோர்வும் இல்லாம என்ன தாங்குற என் அப்பாவுக்காக நா செய்ற சின்ன விஷயம் இந்த கவித ... Dedicated to my dad...love u pa...!

கண் மூடிக் கனவு கண்டு ...கண்டவுடன் கண் நனைத்துக்
கையிலெடுத்துக் ... கட்டியணைத்துக்
கண்மணி எனக் காதருகே
கத்தி முடி குறுகுறுக்கக் கண் திறந்து பார்க்கிறேன்
தூளியிலே நான் கிடக்க ... தூரத்திலே நீ இருக்க
ஆழியதன் முத்தெனவே ... அதிசயத்து நின்றிருக்க
விழி விரித்து வீசிய விந்தைச் சிரிப்பழகை ... கன்னக்
குழி நிறையக் குறையாப் புன்னகையுடன் ... உச்சி
முகர்ந்தென்னை முத்தமிட்டவன் நீ ...!

தத்தித் தத்தி நடை பழக ... தடுக்கித் தடுக்கித் தரையில் விழ
தாவி வந்தென்னைத் தன்னுடன் தான் அணைத்து
தட்டி விழுந்த தழும்புக்கெல்லாம் ... தடவித் தந்து தாலாட்டி
தன்னை மறந்து என்னுடனே உறங்கிப்போனவன் நீ ...!

இரவுத் தூக்கத்தை ....இன்னமும் இனிமையாக்க
இனிக்க இனிக்க ... இலக்கியம் பேசி
இன்னமும் எனக்கொரு  முன்னோடிஎன நடப்பவன் நீ...! 

வழுக்கி விழும் போதெல்லாம் ...வந்து நின்று வழி காட்டி
விழி  அழும் போதெல்லாம் வேண்டாமென்று துடைத்து விட்டு
அழியாத கனவாக ... அழகாக  நானிருக்க...
வழியெல்லாம் வலியோடு எனக்காக  எழிலிழந்து எதையும் ஏற்றவன் நீ...!

கண்ணாடி முன் நின்று நீ உனைப் பார்க்கும் போதெல்லாம்
முகத்தின் முன்னாடி உள்ளச் சுருக்கங்கள் எனைப் பார்த்து
                                                        சூசகமாய் சொல்கிறது
என்னடி ... பார்க்கிறாய் ... நாங்களெல்லாம்
உனக்காகத்தான் உருவாகினோம் என்று ...!

உடையவன் ஒருவனும் உன்னைப்போல் உள்ளத்தால் உயர்ந்திருக்க
அடையாதது ஒன்றுமில்லை... அர்த்தம் பெற்றுவிடும்
அத்தனையும் என் வாழ்வில் !!!

தடை ஏதுமில்லைத் தகப்பனே உன்னை தரிசிக்க
விடை ஏதுமில்லை ...விரும்பி நீ எனக்களிக்க
அத்தனையும் தந்து விட்டாய் ... அன்பொழுக எனைத் தழுவி
இத்தனை தானா நீ எனக்கு ...?
இல்லையில்லை ... இன்னமும் இருக்கிறது ...
இறைக்க இறைக்கக் குறையாது ...

எத்தனையோ எனக்குச் செய்த நீ ... என் வழி
அத்தனையும் என் முன் நடக்க வேண்டும்  ...
பித்தனைப்போல் என்னையே நினைத்துக்கொண்டிருக்கும்
உன்னையே சித்தமென்றிருக்க ... இனி வரும்
அத்தனைப் பிறவியிலும் ...உனக்கே நான் பிறக்க வேண்டும்
                                                                                   உனதருமை மகளாக ...!

--என்றென்றும் அப்பா உன் அன்பு நிழலில் அமைதியாய் இளைப்பாறும் உனதன்பு  தனா

24 Jul 2011

20 secrets to stay young

1. Drink a plenty. Water hydrates your skin, improves its elasticity,hides ugly wrinkles and keeps it glowing. Enough reason to drink eight to ten glasses per day. And in case youre wondering,tea, coffee, colas, and alcohol are not adequate substitutes.

2. Eat natural. Fruits, nuts, and vegetables are rich in antioxidants.These chemical compounds are your natural defense against the free radicals that wear down your bodys cells and accelerate aging.Carotenoids (found in apricots, carrots, mangoes, papayas, sweet potatoes, spinach, and broccoli) vitamin C (found in amla, oranges, cantaloupes, grapefruit, guavas, litchis, strawberries, tomatoes, and cabbage) and vitamin E (found in almonds, avocados, and kiwi) neutralize toxins, fight infections, and keep you fighting fit.

3. Switch to green tea. Antioxidants are not restricted to fruits and veggies. The polyphenol ECGC, or epigallocatechin gallate, is a super antioxidant that is abundant in green tea. It rejuvenates dying skin cells, heals scrapes and bruises, removes blemishes, and protects against damage from sunlight.

4. Choose healthy oils. While fighting the flab, dont make the mistake of going off all fat. Monounsaturated fat in oils such as olive, canola, and flax seed, can actually help you stay lean and fit. Whats more, these oils help you absorb fat soluble carotenoids and vitamins that have an anti-aging effect on your skin.

5. Eat enough protein. Protein contains amino acids that are essential to build and repair your body cells. Eating an adequate amount of protein (about 120 gm daily) supports the growth of healthy skin, hair, and nails.

6. Shoot the sugar. Its official now, sugary foods are bad for your looks. This is because a rapid rise in blood sugar causes sugar molecules to bind themselves to the collagen, a kind of protein, in your skin. This process, known as glycation, makes skin hard and rigid, causing sagging and wrinkling.

7. Prevent sunburn. Get it right, sunlight is actually good for you. It provides vitamin D, helps absorb calcium and phosphorus, bolsters immunity, and relieves skin trouble. Its the extended exposure, especially to the overhead afternoon sun, that is harmful. This is because UV rays in sunlight break down collagen in the skin, making it rough and leathery, and causing wrinkles and premature aging. It also increases the risk of skin cancer. Protect skin against direct sunlight by covering all exposed areas or using a good sunscreen.

8. Use soap safely. Buy soap to match your skin type, such as dry, oily, normal or sensitive. Avoid soaps with high pH or acid content, as these can harm your skin. Also, herbal soaps are a gentler alternative to those containing chemicals. As a rule, use minimal soap to preserve the natural oils in your skin.

9. Look for retinoids. While buying cosmetic products, check labels for those containing retinoids. Derived from vitamin A, these compounds increase collagen production and cell regeneration in your skin, thus helping you stave off the effects of aging.

10. Lotion in bed. Apply moisturizers, creams, and lotions just before going to bed. Because your body temperature is slightly higher when you sleep, there will be better absorption of these products. As a bonus, the obstructing effect of sunlight will be absent.

11. Condition with care: Hair-conditioners tend to soften hair, so that it hangs flat and looks lifeless. One trick is to apply conditioner only on the outer tips of your hair. This way the lower portion of the hair retains its natural bounce.

12. Heal your hands. Your hands bear the brunt of the work you do. The result is discolored or hardened skin and chipped nails that make you look older. To keep your hands looking good, treat them with facial-care products such as creams and lotions. Occasionally, treat yourself to a manicure.

13. Pamper your feet. Feet, along with hands, are the neglected extremities of your body. Its important to keep them clean by scrubbing them daily with warm water and a brush. Using a pumice stone once a week will help to keep your feet smooth and soft.

14. Have a massage. An occasional massage offers immense physical and psychological benefits. It stimulates the skin, regulates blood pressure, purges toxins, and eases stiffness in the joints. In addition, it reduces stress and promotes relaxation, and makes you feel just great which in turn influences the way you look.

15. Go for yoga. The balancing, bending and stretching movements in yoga are excellent for improving physique, and toning muscles. Also, poses such as suryanamaskar and sirshasan increase blood flow towards the head, which helps to release stress and rejuvenates skin in the facial area.

16. Start jogging. Running helps you lose weight, keep fit, and fight off stress. The result is that you not only look, but also feel, much younger. And yes, the fresh air helps too.

17. Hit the gym. Vigorous exercises, such as aerobics or cardio, pump up your circulation and give your skin and face that healthy flush.

18. Keep smiling. Unbelievable but true. A simple smile lowers blood pressure, boosts immunity,and releases endorphins and serotonin that make you feel good. Plus, it is infectious, so that you set people around smiling back at you. Now thats reason enough to keep smiling.

19. Meditate daily. Meditation helps you connect with your inner self, calms you, cheers you up,and makes you feel tremendously good about yourself. The results are for all to see.

20. Enjoy good sleep. Adequate sleep is crucial for your body to perform functions of cell renewal and regeneration. Regularizing your patterns and sleeping early will ensure that you get the optimum eight hours sleep daily.
Hope u had an enjoying session...Keep Follow...Stay Young...!!!